Never Get Another Store Credit Card Again

Have you ever been at the register about to pay when the clerk asks, "Would you like to open up a _______ card today and save an extra x% on your entire purchase today?" I picture a marketer, a psychologist and the devil in a conference room drafting this tantalizing offer.

If you bite, a dance begins where your personal information slowly circles a credit approval algorithm. As for the audience, you try to ignore the laser beams being shot from the eyes of the increasingly impatient people behind you. Hopefully, it goes smoothly and you are delayed only five minutes or so. And then for various reasons you never use the card again or only use it once in blue moon. It's one more card to keep track of until you finally get around to cancelling it.

As it turns out, there is an EZPZ way to avoid having to sign up for a store card. Recently we discovered at Macy's if you use Macy's gift cards you are also eligible for the extra discount as if you were using a Macy's card. So use your normal credit card to buy as many gift cards as you need to get the discount.

Good luck!

Next post next Saturday, 6:30 a.m.