The One Step to Amazing Virtual Executive Presence


We can spend a large part of the next year debating the pros and cons of virtual work. Even if you don't work from home, you are still virtual when you have a phone call or any other interaction that is not physically in-person. Life is not all about your job, either. You may also have many other virtual meetings with friends, family, and various associations.

The Challenge

One question I've been hearing a lot more is:

How do you project Executive Presence when you are not physically present?

It's a great question and will become even more relevant as more and more work (and other interactions) become virtual.

The good news is there is one, EZPZ step you can take to have amazing virtual Executive Presence. I'm not going to tell you to talk more, project your voice, or adjust your video camera. There's lots of advice on how to have better virtual calls, but this is not our focus today. Our sole concern is how do you have Executive Presence virtually?

The solution requires us to properly frame the question. People with Executive Presence inspire confidence in others that they can lead in a given context. So the key is not how you sound or appear, but in how you lead.

The Shift

The next time you attend a virtual meeting, whether you are assigned to lead it or not, ask yourself,

"What is the goal of this meeting and how can I help advance the goal?"

The one and only step you need to take to have amazing virtual Executive Presence is to provide whatever is needed in that meeting to help meet the goal. That’s it.

Sometimes, it means you ask a question.

Sometimes it means you talk more.

Sometimes it means you talk less.

Perhaps you engage people who can help, but for whatever reason are not involved, yet.

At the end of the call, if you play an outsized role in helping meet the goal of the meeting, you will be the one everyone remembers as having amazing virtual Executive Presence.

Remember, your Executive Presence sets the ceiling of your success.

Learn more


This article was adapted from the new leadership book, Unlock Your Executive Presence: Feel like a Boss. Find it here, along with other books from the Unlock Your Leadership series.

Joe Kwon, the Connection Counselor is a leadership coach and keynote speaker who helps elevate careers by unlocking the ability to better connect with yourself and others.

Contact him if you'd like his help.

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