Why I Decided to Launch a Daily Podcast - Executive Presence Morsels

Almost everyone I know or ever met has something, maybe several things that they would like to learn or areas in which they would like to improve. Many of these people have the savvy, drive, and resources needed to make the change. A lot of them also have the support of their friends, family, and coworkers. Unfortunately, most of them, and I include myself in this cohort, despite having all this going for them, never get beyond an initial push, and then the dream fizzles out.

What is going on?

We all know humans can and do learn and improve, so what is the missing ingredient between success and failure?

  • I’m pretty sure motivation is not the key. For most people, motivation is like lighter fluid. It makes a lot of heat and seems to have a great effect initially, but is no guarantee of sustained success.

  • I’m also convinced that ability is not the main factor, either. We all fail to improve in so many areas that are well within our reach.

Anytime I’ve been successful in improving in an area, whether physical, mental, or spiritual, I’ve noticed at least two principles at play.

Principle #1: Make it a habit for long-term success

It’s far better to be consistent over time than to make a big splash and then not start again for weeks or ever.

Principle #2: Having a buddy helps you keep going

You are more likely to keep up your efforts, despite loss of motivation and obstacles if you are accountable to another person. As a bonus, it helps if you get to hold them accountable as well. This means you are both more likely over time to do more than you would separately.

To be clear, getting more Executive Presence is difficult. It doesn’t happen overnight, or after one course, one book, or one TED talk (I’m working on that one). The reason I started Executive Presence Morsels is to provide an easy way for people to work on improving their Executive Presence on a daily basis. As a side benefit, by committing to you to produce a daily podcast, it holds me accountable to always be thinking about better ways to explain and teach it.

If you’re willing to spend 5-10 minutes a day each morning listening to insights on Executive Presence, and then apply them during the rest of your work day, you will improve your Executive Presence. I guarantee it. Join us starting July 5th for the next year for your daily dose of Executive Presence! You can hear trailers and previews today.

"Remember, it's not what you say, do, or wear, it's how you make people FEEL that generates Executive Presence. Nothing else matters."