Many years ago, I was sitting in a conference room that felt like a lion's den, wishing my name was Daniel instead of Joseph. After what felt like an eternity, my interviewer strode in. Cue gleaming smile, firm handshake, and we're off!
A few minutes in I get asked an open-ended question about my background, my nerves settle and I switch into interview autopilot mode. Earlier interviews gave me confidence in which answers and stories worked and which didn't. Time flew and before I knew it, we were wrapping up. I strode out of the building feeling p-r-e-t-t-y confident in my performance. Surely I nailed it.
WRONG! I didn't realize it at the time, but I had totally bombed by committing a cardinal sin most candidates don't even realize they are making.
Fast forward several years and I'm sitting on the other side of the table. I smile, give a firm handshake, and we're off! At some point I ask an open-ended question and the candidate switches into interview autopilot. The answers flow, highlighting skills and successes. But after meeting several candidates, I begin to notice something. Sometimes what the candidate is saying is relevant to why I might want to hire them and at other times, it's totally irrelevant. A candidate might even spend a large chunk of the interview talking about impressive and entertaining things that don't advance their cause at all.
Now you might point out that a well-prepared candidate would review the job requirements and tailor their answers to reflect these. Surely, you say, this helps ensure that their answers will pack a good punch. This is better than not preparing, but it is still leaving a lot up to chance because of one counterintuitive secret.
Job requirements are generally useless for revealing what criteria the interviewer is using to evaluate you.
"But, wait! Aren't job requirements the main criteria a good interviewer should be assessing candidates against?"
Well, yes and no. While a candidate must be able to perform what is required for the position and this is typically covered in the job requirements, HOW an interviewer is evaluating a candidate goes much deeper than that. We'll get to that in just a second.
"Then, if the job requirements aren't that helpful and even my best performance might not advance my cause, what can I do to improve my chances?"
Change your perspective by treating your interview as a negotiation and not a performance.
Allow me to explain.
I recently attended a training led by Marty Latz - Gain the Edge! Negotiation for Lawyers. Marty is the founder of the Latz Negotiation Institute, an Adjunct Professor at Arizona State University College of Law and has appeared as a negotiation expert on CBS' The Early Show and national business shows such as Your Money and Fox Business.
Marty shared with us his 5 Golden Rules for Negotiation. This wasn't a class about interviewing, but his First Golden Rule opened my eyes that most people's interview strategy, including mine, was fundamentally flawed. In fact, I've probably landed jobs IN SPITE of my approach. The cardinal sin I was committing was focusing on delivering a dazzling interview PERFORMANCE, without any real understanding of the interviewer's needs. What I should have done was approach the interview as a NEGOTIATION. This change in perspective forces you to understand the interviewer's needs and prompts you to communicate how you will help fulfill them.
Marty's First Golden Rule: Information is Power - So Get It
In a negotiation, the more you learn about what the other side wants and doesn't want, the better you'll do. However, this knowledge can be elusive or even hidden. As a result, it requires focus and skill to uncover this.
There are two types of information. The first, substantive information, is factual - the price, the timing, etc. In the context of an interview it's the job requirements and the questions that are being asked.
The second and more valuable type is strategic information - the "why" behind the substantive information. In a negotiation context, some examples are understanding, "Why do they want this price?" or "Why do they need to close in a week?"