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Don’t Hurt Yourself

Revelation - 2 Reasons Why You Are Sabotaging Yourself

Every once in a while you have an epiphany that changes your world view. It’s a great feeling. The skies open, the sun shines a little brighter, and you feel like NOW, the world is your oyster. What is funny and humbling, is when someone gives you a totally different perspective and you start to wonder, maybe your epiphany was not totally right.

Act 1

I recently had an epiphany about why I was sabotaging myself in certain ways. One day, I realized,

“Your Today Joe, your comfortable Joe, is so resistant to change it is willing to burn everything down before letting you venture forth to become Tomorrow Joe.”

I was like, wow, that explains SOOOO much. After this epiphany, certain things started to fall into place and the self-sabotage started to have less of an impact. I was pretty happy with myself.

Act 2

One of the great things about coaching is I learn as much or more from my clients as I teach them. Case in point, I was telling one of my clients about my recent epiphany on self-sabotage and what they said next shocked me!

I see it totally the opposite way, Joe. I think your Tomorrow Joe is tired of waiting for you to do the right thing so it is willing to burn everything down so you have to venture forth to embrace Tomorrow Joe.”

I had to admit, what they said made a lot of sense. At least as much sense as my initial interpretation. The student has become the teacher!

Act 3

In the end, the lesson I learned is the resistance to change is great. Also, there are plenty of reasons we self-sabotage. The important thing is to always move forward. Fall forward. Fail fast. Get up and do it again. In this way, you can’t lose.

If you have any questions or comments or have a story of your own, I'd love to hear from you.

Next post next Saturday, 6:30 a.m.

Getting More Volunteers - EZPZ Pitch Template

You've been asked to give a short talk to get coworkers to sign up or volunteer. People are overworked and under-resourced so you know this is a tall order. You also know although your coworkers may be on the fence, they are good people who want to help. This means what you say can really make a difference. The problem is, you’re running out of time and short on ideas.

One approach would be to “wing it.” A reasonable choice, given the circumstances, but you’d like to leave a little less to chance.

I was recently in this situation and luckily, found the time to prepare and come up with a format that ended up working well. So well that I resolved to use some variation of this presentation in the future for similar scenarios. Light bulb!


That’s when I realized I should make a template. The great thing about a template is it is proven to work so you can spend less time figuring out the structure and more time customizing for the specific audience.

So without further ado, here is my template. It’s just a starting point so feel free to revise and adapt as appropriate. You can also use it to develop your own different, but equally effective template.

Dislclaimer: I don’t presume to think that the specific examples I share below would work for your situation or organization. It’s more about the structure and approach. Please adopt appropriate content and ideas for your own situation.

I hope this helps you deliver the best and most persuasive presentation you can!

getting more volunteers - ezpz template

Opening - Hook ‘em by making a connection

  • A year ago I was sitting where you are sitting, wondering some of the same things you are wondering…

Engage the audience - Reel them in by making them think with a question (actual or rhetorical)

  • What’s the biggest and most common barrier for people at work to get more involved in this activity, which is outside your day job?

    Note: the answer you are looking for is TIME; let them answer and provide encouraging feedback for any and all answers

Start the persuasive process - Change their perception of the issue

  • Time, that’s right! But why do we all agree on that? Why is time so important? What is the significance of this time?

    Note: let them answer and provide encouraging feedback

  • The reason we all value time is not for the sake of the time itself, it’s because how we spend our time affects our opportunities. If we are doing x, we are not doing y.

Show them something new - Change their worldview

  • So if opportunity is the goal, how can we create more opportunities if our time is limited?

  • You create more opportunities by providing value.

  • The value you provide while at your desk is crucial, but limited. It’s limited to the people you normally come into contact with, the departments you need to work with, and often a single line of leadership.

Show them a solution - Align what you are proposing with their best interests

  • One opportunity I was looking for last year was x.

  • By doing this activity, I discovered numerous opportunities that I otherwise would not have had access to (you can use other people as examples, too):

    • Example 1, 2, 3, etc…

Close with a call to action - Provide encouragement and remind them of the value of taking action

  • In closing, I encourage you to join x!

  • Remember, you create opportunities by providing value.

  • And in the end, the time pays for itself!

Bonus tip: If this template doesn’t work for you or if the topic of your presentation is totally different, you can accomplish the same thing by finding an example of a talk online that did what you want to do amazingly. Watch it over and over and pull out fundamental ideas to power your presentation. Inspiration and imitation are great forms of flattery!

If you have any questions or comments or have a story of your own, I'd love to hear from you.

Next post next Saturday, 6:30 a.m.

Why It Works: Chris Jean-Charles on Blind Leaps

Recently, a former colleague, Chris Jean-Charles shared his insights on taking Blind Leaps on the "Why It Works" podcast. After spending over a decade in the Marines, he successfully transitioned into the private sector, and is now an entrepreneur. My only regret is that during the time we worked together, I failed in my mission to transform him into a soft, corporate marshmallow.

While Chris has learned to thrive in various VUCA (Volatile, Uncertain, Complex, and Ambigious) environments, make no mistake, he is not a fan of reckless risk-taking.

Never put yourself in a position to lose more time and/or money a single leap of faith than that which you can stomach and bounce back from.

Being courageous enough to take a calculated risk with an uncertain outcome is not the same as risking it all on one roll of the dice. Another important lesson we discussed is the need to "develop your edge" when taking blind leaps. Chris defines your edge as the collection of all the unique things about you that can shift the odds in your favor. This might be your skills, network, mindset, personality, past experiences, etc. An easy way to focus on discovering your edge is to complete the following sentence:

I am uniquely qualified to succeed at this because ________.

If you'd like to hear Chris share these insights in his own words or hear more of our conversation, you can listen here.

Next post next Saturday, 6:30 a.m.