Exec Pres Index

Don’t fall for the #1 misconception about Executive Presence — that it is just for executives. Some people would be happy to let you go on believing that "unless and until you have a formal leadership role, you don’t need to worry about developing it.”

Nothing could be further from the truth. Executive Presence gives you more access to the opportunities you deserve. If you don’t have it, management will look for someone else, either from inside or outside the company to give the opportunity.

The universal principles that generate Executive Presence are always the same. In addition, each person’s context has an impact on the strategies for success. In a diverse company, underrepresented professionals who understand how to apply the principles to their context will have the best results.

The truth is it is never too early to start increasing your Executive Presence. Click to begin!

Executive Presence


What role does Confidence play in unlocking Executive Presence?