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Why is Charisma so elusive?
Ask 10 people to explain Charisma and you will get puzzled looks and wildly different answers. Everyone can spot it, but no one, not even people who have it, can seem to put their finger on the mechanism.
One reason why Charisma is so elusive is it lives in the energy between people — the person with the charisma and the person experiencing it. Also, charisma is less a group of behaviors and more a state of being. You can’t “do” charisma. You either “are” charismatic, or you are not.
The most important thing is if you can’t say what something is, you can’t get more of it. Quite accidentally, I ended up creating the only definition I’ve seen that actually explains how charisma works, not just what it does.
[Click the colorful smoke to find the answer in my EZPZ blog article, “Why is Charisma so Elusive and How to Get More"]
What doesn’t work
Almost every book and article on Charisma will not work for you. They all suffer from the same fatal flaws. It’s not you, it’s them. There is a reason why when you follow their advice, your results are hit-or-miss.
Flaw #1: Identifying how charisma makes people feel doesn’t teach you how to create the feeling.
Flaw #2: Stories about what worked for one person don’t work for another person.
Flaw #3: Creating a list of things people with charisma do will not create charisma.
[Tap the sign on the to go to my Thrive Global article, “How to Develop Charisma — for real" to find out what works]
Charisma is easy. If you understand it.
How do some people make charisma look so easy?
The simple answer is that they are not trying. The harder you “act” charismatic, the further away charisma will be.
The key is understanding the right state of being you need and what happens to you and others when you attain it. The secret is in the definition below. You already have everything you need. You just need to unlock it.
[Splash the water to find out how to unlock your charisma with ease in my EZPZ blog article, “How Does He/She Make Charisma Look So Easy"]