Have you ever felt totally betrayed? Do you know anyone who holds onto their anger so long it becomes toxic? Did you know that there is a strong correlation between job loss and divorce? Ever wonder why people say fake it till you make it?
In today's episode of "Why It Works," Tiffany Ann Beverlin, CEO of DreamsRecycled.com and certified Life & Divorce coach, reveals some of the hidden mechanisms behind heartbreak and recovery. We explore the role self-preservation plays in concealing relationship blemishes, why divorce is almost never really a total surprise, and the key behavior of people who are more resilient after experiencing a heartbreaking event like a death, divorce or job loss.
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Tiffany Ann Beverlin
During her fifteenth year of marriage—and after a decade out of the work force—Tiffany was forced to recycle her life. She was repeatedly told she was unemployable since she was out of the workforce so long. After a fortuitous dream about problems selling her own engagement ring, she created a company for that purpose.
DreamsRecycled.com rose up as the marketplace that specializes in selling goods from one’s divorce. DreamsRecycled.com quickly became a gathering place for the divorce community. Today, the site consists of blogs, secondary divorce services directory and “community zones” to assist the divorce community.
Tiffany has appeared on AOL News, FOX News, CBS News and dozens of national publications and radio shows, bestowing hard-hitting advice on divorce. She is also the Author of My Dreams Recycled, and a certified Life & Divorce Coach.
Dreams get broken, but this allows us to create new, even bigger ones that ultimately, like mine, will come true!
~Tiffany Ann Beverlin
Website: www.dreamsrecycled.com
Connect: https://www.linkedin.com/in/tiffanybeverlin/
Read Tiffany's book: My Dreams Recycled
Thanks to Hami Kim for sponsoring this episode!
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A great book to go with this episode is Never Get Angry Again: The Foolproof Way to Stay Calm and in Control in Any Conversation or Situation, by David J. Lieberman.
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Talladega Nights - Shake and Bake Is Dead
Laid-off Workers' Hard Reality
8 Mile - Choke! Choke!
The Notebook - Breaking up
The best scene of Forrest Gump
Opening features the song "Morning" by Cambo Smith, available under a Creative Commons
Attribution-NonCommercial License.
Recommendation segment features the song "Delta" by Moonove, under Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 International License
Closing features the song "Siesta" by Jahzzar under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 International License.