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The Best, Long-lasting Solution for Nintendo Switch Joystick Drift

How to Fix Joy-Con Drift on Your Nintendo Switch - permanently!

As a form of stress release, for bonding with my son, and just for fun I’ve been enjoying my Nintendo Switch for many years. I’m a big fan of Nintendo’s innovative approach to gaming and especially enjoy their family-friendly games, like the Mario series. However, a persistent and frustrating issue began to plague my gaming experience: joystick drift.

What is Joystick Drift?

Before diving into the solution, it's essential to understand the problem. Joystick drift is a condition where the analog stick registers movement even when it's not being touched. For example, your character might start walking to the left on their own, or the camera might pan upwards without your input. This issue can severely impact gameplay, especially in precision-dependent games like first-person shooters or platformers.

Several factors can contribute to joystick drift, including:

  1. Wear and Tear: Over time, the internal components of the joystick can wear out, leading to inconsistent readings.

  2. Dust and Debris: Accumulation of dirt, dust, or other particles can interfere with the joystick's sensors.

  3. Manufacturing Defects: Sometimes you just get a lemon and have to return it.

The first signs of joystick drift were subtle—a slight drift to the left here, an unintended camera movement there. Initially, I thought it was a minor glitch that a quick recalibration could fix. However, as days turned into weeks, the issue became more pronounced. I tried everything:

  1. Recalibration: Multiple recalibrations yielded temporary relief, but the drift inevitably returned. Also, some third-party controllers cannot be recalibrated.

  2. Cleaning: I meticulously cleaned the joysticks using compressed air, hoping that dust or debris might be the culprit. My son even took apart and repaired our controller numerous times with brand new components. While this provided a temporary improvement, too soon the drift returned.

  3. Replacement Parts: I invested in replacement joysticks, hoping that a new set would solve the problem once and for all. To my dismay, after a brief period of respite, the drift always returned - leaving me to question the reliability of the components.

No matter how many times we recalibrated, cleaned, or replaced the joysticks, the problem always seemed to resurface. All the replacement controllers I bought, regardless of manufacturer or price point suffered the same problem!

It was so frustrating. It was beginning to get expensive, too. At the time I’m writing this article, one of the best and most reliable Nintendo-branded controllers you can buy, the Nintendo Switch Pro Controller retails for a little under $70. Multiply this by several replacement controllers and the cost begins to add up - eventually exceeding the cost of the gaming console itself!

Just when I thought all hope was lost and was about to give up on finding a permanent solution, I stumbled upon a game-changing solution: Hall Effect sticks.

A Glimmer of Hope: Hall Effect Sticks

One day while I was doing a search for a better solution I came across a discussion about Hall Effect sticks. Intrigued by the promising reviews and testimonials, I decided to give them a try. The results were nothing short of amazing.

Hall Effect sticks utilize magnetic sensors instead of traditional mechanical components, offering enhanced performance and reliability. From the moment I tried them, the difference was palpable:

  1. Consistent Performance: The Hall Effect sticks delivered consistent and accurate readings, eliminating the dreaded drift that had plagued me for so long.

  2. Longevity: Unlike their mechanical counterparts, Hall Effect sticks are known for their longevity, offering a reliable solution that stands the test of time.

  3. Peace of Mind: Finally, I could immerse myself in gaming without the constant worry of joystick drift interrupting my gameplay.

A New Day

After researching Hall effect sticks, I ended up purchasing the King Kong 2 Pro Wireless Controller from GuliKit. The build and fit were similar to the popular Xbox controller, the buttons felt smooth and responsive, and most importantly, joystick drift was vanquished and has not returned.

No more falling off a board by accident or unintentionally walking sideways until I hit a wall. The movement of the joystick now feels as crisp and responsive as I was expecting from the top-of-the-line controllers that had failed me in the past - and at the same price point!

Embracing Hall Effect sticks was a game-changer, rekindling my faith in the Nintendo Switch. I can once again fully enjoy my gaming experience by concentrating on the game and my friends, rather than worrying about the poor performance of my controller.

If you want to try it for yourself, I’ve provided a link to the controller I bought below. Good luck and happy gaming!

Making of a podcast - the equipment
How to Turn Off Amazon Sidewalk - the EZPZ way

Amazon is set to launch a new feature called “Amazon Sidewalk” in the U.S. on June 8, 2021. That means as of this date, you have a few more days to opt-out or it will be turned on for your by default. Once it is turned on, you can turn it off later, but let’s be honest, we will procrastinate, forget, or not bother.

I’m not here to debate one side or the other the feature. You can read more here if you are interested.

I’m here to help because though I consider myself a fairly tech savvy consumer, navigating the setting to actually turn on or off a feature can be a real pain. So much of a pain, in fact, that perhaps you don’t do what you wanted to do in the first place.

If you do want to turn off your Amazon Sidewalk feature, I’ve included a video recording that shows you the steps to do so from your Ring phone app. Good luck!