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Posts tagged PSA
How to Turn Off Amazon Sidewalk - the EZPZ way

Amazon is set to launch a new feature called “Amazon Sidewalk” in the U.S. on June 8, 2021. That means as of this date, you have a few more days to opt-out or it will be turned on for your by default. Once it is turned on, you can turn it off later, but let’s be honest, we will procrastinate, forget, or not bother.

I’m not here to debate one side or the other the feature. You can read more here if you are interested.

I’m here to help because though I consider myself a fairly tech savvy consumer, navigating the setting to actually turn on or off a feature can be a real pain. So much of a pain, in fact, that perhaps you don’t do what you wanted to do in the first place.

If you do want to turn off your Amazon Sidewalk feature, I’ve included a video recording that shows you the steps to do so from your Ring phone app. Good luck!

You've Been Using a Can Opener the Wrong Way!

You know when you've been doing a thing one way your whole life, not even realizing there may be another way? And you know when you realize that the way you were doing it may not even be the best or right way?

Disclaimer: I haven't verified that this is definitely true, but watching this video had me gobsmacked and re-evaluating some of my life choices. Okay, maybe that's an exaggeration, but this is almost as amazing to me as the time I realized I had been tying my shoes incorrectly my whole life, as detailed here.

Watch the video. You be the the judge!

Next post next Saturday, 6:30 a.m.