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Don’t Hurt Yourself

Bring Your Words to Life

In my writing or presentations, I try to keep the audience engaged by creating a memorable experience. There are many ways to do this, such as the power of story, novelty, and light humor. However, today I'd like to share with you another method that is often overlooked.  

To create memorable experiences, use visual metaphors to bring your words to life. 

I think I know what that means, Joe, but just to be sure, what is a "visual metaphor?"

So glad you asked. Here's a definition.

Visual metaphor: the representation of a person, place, thing, or idea by means of a visual image that suggests a particular association or point of similarity.

Game-changing tip: Next time you are preparing to break bread with an audience, come up with visual metaphors to make your concepts more easily accessible, meaningful and memorable.

I could give you some examples of my own, but instead allow me to share a wonderful example of the power of visual metaphor from a short paragraph on songwriting by Amanda Palmer.

The best songs come like this, the melody and the words landing on the brain’s sunlit kitchen table like a singing telegram, a complete and precise little package of information.
In that telegram is encoded the entire blueprint for the verses and chorus, a musical strand of DNA.
I cannot recognize the words, the length, or even the subject of the song, but I can detect something about how the song will feel when finished.
I’ve always suspected that this glimpse of the whole from the part offers an excellent metaphor for life and death.
-Amanda Palmer from "Melody vs meditation"

Action: The next time you are preparing to share information, think of the best images that will create a memorable experience for your audience.

If you have any thoughts or stories to share about this, I would love to hear from you!

Next post next Saturday, 6:30 a.m.
You Must Be Kidding Me! Subaru Clock Change

The first time I thought about a Subaru as a car choice was when I sat in my colleague's Subaru Outback. I noticed the seat height made getting in and out very easy. Other vehicles I've had felt like you were either doing the limbo or summiting Kilimanjaro. This felt more like you were getting in and out of your dining room chair. No muss, no fuss and certainly appreciated by those with back issues.

For the last several years we've been a Subaru family. In fact, we just moved to a 2018 Outback which is identical to our last one in almost every obvious way, except for the entertainment system.

Just one thing was driving me mad. For the life of me, I couldn't find a button or menu option that allowed me to change the time after daylight savings. I'm not an expert, but consider myself fairly tech savvy for these sorts of common consumer issues. Even the manual didn't seem to offer any answers.

Enter YouTube and an instructional video. Short, easy to understand, and got the job done. Thank you, Joseph Jenkins! 

If you are having this problem, here is the solution.

Next post next Saturday, 6:30 a.m.
Next Level Personal Branding Principles

The other day, my son was doing his reading homework and he came across the word "pontificate." My reaction was wow, sort of a big word for a kid his age! My wife is a trained educator so I've learned from her to let our son attempt to figure things out himself instead of just giving him the answer.  

We ask him what he thinks "pontificate" means. He's not having any luck so I try to give him a funny clue. I said it's something Daddy does a lot. "Lays about?" Ouch! Stake through the heart. My wife is doing her best not to laugh too hard.

Then he says, totally seriously, "oh, not answer?" I see tears in my wife's eyes. The dam has broke and I am officially the butt of the joke. 

Hmm, looks like I have to work on my personal branding at home. Fortunately, I recently had the opportunity to give a presentation on personal branding to about 100 KPMG colleagues. Now it looks like I will get the chance to practice what I preach. 

But first, let's explore together the 3 Key Principles that will turbo-charge our personal branding efforts. 


1. Perception is the copilot to reality.

Repeat it with me. "Perception is the copilot to reality."

But what does that mean, Joe?

Allow me to explain. My eyes were first opened to personal branding at a KPMG Network of Women event with a guest speaker, Carla Harris. She is a Managing Director and Senior Advisor at Morgan Stanley. In 2013, she was appointed by the President to chair the National Women’s Business Council.

She told us about a moment earlier in her career when she was passed over for a promotion. Luckily, she found someone who confided in her the real reason. "You're smart, you work hard, but you're not tough enough for this business."

This was when she realized she was not bringing her true self to work, which was TOUGH. So for the next 90 days, she decided to walk tough, talk tough, eat tough! She asked for and aced the toughest assignments. And what do you think happened next time she was up for promotion?

You see, it doesn't matter who you are inside if that is not shown to and perceived by others. Those qualities might as well be invisible because to others, it is what they perceive that matters. And there's real power in being able to bring most of your authentic self to work.

So remember, "Perception is the copilot to reality."

2. Be distinct or be extinct.


Everyone knows the science question, "If a TREE falls in the forest and no one is there, does it make a sound?"

I'm here to ask, "If an employee does great work and nobody knows who they are, do they get any recognition or get promoted?"

If you want more people to remember you, it helps to make yourself more memorable!

How do I do that, you might ask?

I'm going to answer your question with a another question. I know, annoying lawyer trick.

Question: Why do people ask for a bag with handles?

Answer: It makes the bag easier to carry.

In the same way, when you give people a distinct handle to remember you by (a style, a passion, a favorite catchphrase), it makes it easier for people to remember you. And if they remember who you are, then they can remember the value you provide.

3. Your brand is in the room when you are not.


What room are you talking about?

Everyone knows you carry your brand around with you...but consider this...

  • It also arrives before you in every room you enter.
  • It is left behind when you leave.
  • Most importantly, it is in the room where important decisions are being made that will affect your career! Just to be clear, you won't be in the room.

Let's repeat what we've learned, from the top!
1. Perception is the copilot to reality.
2. Be distinct or be extinct.
3. Your brand is in the room when you are not.

Finally a few concrete steps you can take TODAY to improve your personal branding.


1. Pick one adjective you want people to describe you as when you are not in the room. Train yourself to embody, inside and out, that adjective for 30 days. Your actions will guide their perceptions.

2. Pick one way to make yourself more uniquely memorable. It could be an article of clothing (pin or hat), a phrase (indubitably), a color (man in black) or even a hairstyle (shaved head).

3. Get feedback. Find out, from people you trust, how you are perceived. Please remain seated when you receive the feedback. 

On my household personal brand, looks like it's time to put down my phone, pick up my tools, and do a little rebranding! Thanks for the honest feedback, kiddo!  

Next post next Saturday, 6:30 a.m.