All of us have our limits. I will never be taller, smarter, or escape the dire need for Auto-Tune. At a Karaoke bar I once had a dear friend gently, but earnestly ask me to stop singing their favorite song. Ouch! We all have certain limitations that we should acknowledge.
These personal characteristics limit what we can realistically accomplish in life. However, there is one crucial exception to this rule.
If you are at the right spot at the right time, there are no limits.
"That makes no sense, Joe. Either we have limits or we don't! How late did you stay up on New Year's Eve, anyway?"
Allow me to explain.
Most of the time, our limitations do what they are defined to do - limit us. But every once in a while, we catch a break that helps us to go beyond what would normally be possible under our own power. These opportunities are not subject to our timing or control. These opportunities may be dependent on someone else's involvement. If this is starting to sound like I'm talking about luck, it's because I am or at least its classier cousin, Serendipity.
Serendipity is defined as "the phenomenon of finding valuable or agreeable things not sought for."
When you come across a serendipitous moment, it can change EVERYTHING.
- Randomly strike up a conversation with your future boss on a plane.
- Help fix a flat tire for the cop who pulls you over the next day.
- Had a bad hair day when the casting agent picks you for your frizzy hair.
"So...let me get this straight, Joe. You're telling me people who exceed their limitations are benefiting from serendipity? If that's your plan, it stinks."
Not exactly. What I'm saying is the key to exceeding your limits is to make the most of serendipity by:
1) creating opportunities for it to occur
2) being aware when it arrives; and
3) acting on it.
Let's explore these in turn.
Step 1. Create Opportunities for Serendipity
When you are stuck in a rut, sometimes the most obvious solution is the best one. Get moving!
"Why this would help?"